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Gustavo Coelho

Gustavo is an assistant professor at the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Sustainability Sciences at Furman University where he teaches several courses related to water resources such as Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Global Water Issues, and Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters. Gustavo’s research focuses on addressing pressing issues related to water resources mainly related to water quantity and quality, and water-related hazards.  


Gustavo holds a B.S. in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), a M.S. in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering from the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), and a Ph.D in Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering from George Mason University. Previously, Gustavo worked on several projects related to watershed management, stormwater infrastructure management, flood mitigation, water quality, and environmental impact assessment.

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